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NBJ Summit 2023
Terranea Resort
Rancho Palos Verdes,CA
JULY 25-27, 2023

Microbiome Research and Strengthening Nutritive Supports

  • Tuesday, July 25, 2023:4:35 PM - 5:10 PM
  • Room: Palos Verdes 1-5


From the cutting edge of microbiome research, Dr. Rob Knight, a distinguished professor from the University of California San Diego will explain the latest findings from the gut science and research he is leading. Dr. Knight will offer some of the most up-to-date developments and the next breakthrough discoveries around microbiome research which have definite implications for our industry. Dr. Knight is considered the global thought leader on the microbiome from a research perspective. His session will include evidence in science on how probiotics, prebiotics, and post-biotics influence the microbiome and what the benefits will be for consumers and hence the industry. He will also discuss how artificial intelligence and machine learning are greatly accelerating the pace of discovery around the microbiome and gut health. This continues to be one of the great areas of research and potential for not only human nutrition but for the nutrition industry from ingredients to branded products and Dr. Rob Knight will certainly deliver impactful insights as a global thought leader in this space.

Rob Knight, Ph.D.
Founding Director
Center for Microbiome Innovation