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Joel Evans, MD

The Center for Functional Medicine, Stamford, CT


Joel M. Evans, MD, a board certified OB/GYN and international lecturer, is the director of The Center for Functional Medicine in Stamford, CT. He also serves as Senior Advisor to Amy Mack, the CEO of the Institute of Functional Medicine. He is the Co-Director of the IFM course on the Functional Medicine approach to COVID-19 called “Resistance, Resilience and Recovery: Patient Care in a Pandemic”, and is the lead of the IFM Chronic Covid Initiative.He is a member of the IFM COVID-19 Rapid Response Task Force, and has co-authored two published papers on the pandemic, with a third in submission. He also continues to serve as the external lead of IFM’s Hormone Advanced Practice Module since its inception in 2011, and is honored to bring exciting information to you today about the Immune System and Chronic Covid-19.
