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NBJ State of the Industry: Washington DC Update

  • Tuesday, July 27, 2021:10:00 AM - 10:30 AM


The supplements industry has withstood many calls for updating DSHEA—the regulatory system that has on the whole liberated the industry to innovate and provide access to a self-care model that empowers citizens. But we are in a rare moment with a Democratic Biden administration and a pro-regulatory Democratic Congress, and with no FDA commissioner yet named. And while the responsible supplements sector continues its pandemic success story, the larger industry continues to be blighted by subpar or even illegal products that have historically been met with an under-resourced FDA and continuous demands for a DSHEA update. Will these calls finally find purchase—and if so, how will it affect your business? What can you do to prepare for greater regulatory oversight from FDA as well as FTC, and indeed even potential legislation that brings about DSHEA 2.0?  

Peter Reinecke knows the ins and outs of Capitol Hill as well as anyone. He was chief of staff for Sen. Tom Harkin, co-author of DSHEA, and was lead negotiator of DSHEA lo those 26 years ago. He is principal of Reinecke Strategic Solutions, providing strategic advice and winning policy and communications solutions for a wide array of non-profit and corporate clients the likes of the United Natural Products Alliance and Pharmavite. Peter has also served on the staff of the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences and as a Visiting Lecturer in health policy at Duke University.

Peter Reinecke
Reinecke Strategic Solutions, Inc.